Our History

What Drives Us

We raise AKC Golden Retrievers here in the PNW.

We share a tunnel vision focus for raising the best Golden retriever puppy dogs that we can and we do this all indoors. 

We have been perfecting our methods for over half a decade and we are happy to report that we know what works and what doesn't.

Our unifying ambition and goal is for our pups to transition as easily as possible from our loving home to yours. 

We work super hard to ensure these precious creatures the best possible homes that we can find. We do this by matching the temperament of our pups to a potential owner's lifestyle. We sleep train, noise train (with power tools), and scent train for potty (like a cat). We also expose our pups to cats, and changes in their environment. We handle them daily from when they first arrive. We teach early on that our hands are only for good. 

We are always happy and willing to educate and assist new owners about this breed.

Puppies that give puppy kisses are the best kind of puppies that there are.
